Congratulations to moonShine’s 15th anniversary contributors!

I’m going to be published! See link to get your copy.

moonShine review 15th
Anniversary Edition

To celebrate our fifteen-year anniversary as a publication, we invited folks to submit pieces about “politics.” When I encouraged creativity in interpreting this theme, I didn’t foresee the diversity with which our authors and artists could adopt and adapt—without ever digressing to dogma or becoming trite.

Settings range from factories to offices, restaurants to remote country roads. Characters diverge from sisters to robots, couples to criminals. Yet, we correlate the local sheriff ’s ethical issues with the state senator’s moral quandary. We find ties between a physical wall that creates discord between a husband and wife and an emotional wall erected by a rape victim to block the pain. Whether satirical or serious, these words and images distinguish the human condition as one driven by experience over nature, illustrated by the choices—right and wrong—characters make.

In the history of moonShine, I never set a…

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Sorry for My Absence

I’d like to apologize to my readers for not posting lately. I’ve been doing a lot of writing but it hasn’t been blog writing. I joined a local writing group that does prompt writing twice a month and that’s gotten me in the practice of writing short stories lately. I’m still not moving as quickly …

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Inner Problem Child

I’m concerned. I saw my therapist today and we started on some inner child work that we both agreed would be helpful for me. I experienced trauma throughout my childhood which has left me without certain crucial elements of emotional maturity. We decided that spending time getting to know my inner child, comforting him, showing …

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Reinventing the Dance

This poem was both the inspiration for, and included in, my first novel, Seven to Save Us. I decided to republish it here because I still believe it is an important insight into our society. We have consistently changed the definitions of genders and gender roles in our society but often done a piss poor …

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National Health and the Economy

Those who know me, and those who have read a fair amount of my posts, will know I care deeply about economic injustice. I grew up in a poor household but my parents were always of the opinion that hard work would be financially rewarded in spite of the fact that they worked hard and …

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Tired of Making Friends

This is going to sound like an entitled rant. Some will undoubtedly equate this to inceldom. If they must, they must, but I must get this out of my head so I can move on. I’m tired of becoming friends. I appreciate my friends, I do, but I’m tired of every woman I approach treating …

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A Long Tease

I'm writing a Science Fiction novel that takes place in the not too distant future. I'm going to include the full prologue below. I'm pretty sure I've got at least that part of the novel dialed in. My question for my readers is whether I should write additional teaser short stories that take place in …

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A Poem For a Change

I haven't posted any poetry in a while and a new follower, who posts poetry often, kind of inspired me to dust some of my old stuff off. What I'm posting here was originally published in California State University's Pacific Review. It wasn't the first poem I'd ever published but it was probably the first …

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Americans Won’t Support Democrats Unless They Impeach

The idea of impeaching President Donald John Trump is getting a lot attention lately. Members of both parties have put forth arguments to either support or reject opening impeachment proceedings. While the Republican Party seems resolutely opposed to the idea of impeachment as a whole, some individual members of the party have suggested the time …

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And People Wonder Why Roe v. Wade is in Jeopardy

I just read a news article from Mississippi. You can see it here: If you're too busy to read it right now, you should later, but I'll give you the high points. A Republican state Representative in South Mississippi got drunk and demanded sex from his wife. He decided she didn't get undressed fast …

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